Rules & Regulation

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Rules & Regulation

  • Students should attend the classes in a neat and well groomed manner.
  • Absenteeism and Late coming should be avoided. Students who secure below 80% attendance will not be permitted to write their examinations.
  • The term fee should be paid on or before the prescribed date. The fees once paid to the Institute will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • If there is any failure in payment of term fees. that the student will not be premitted for their Wnter / Summer Training programmes.
  • The Winter / Summer training should be taken compulsorily, no chances of place will be accommodated after the allotment has been completed.
  • Training Certificate ang Log Book should be submitted after the completion of training.
  • Discontinuing of training will result in penalty of Rs.3000 to the Institute.
  • Copying or malpractice in the examination will be seriously dealt with.
  • Strike or mass absenteeism will be seriously dealt with and any type of political revolution will not be enertained.
  • Students should not wear any valueable items like Diamond, Gold, Silver. If they fail to do so. the management will not be responsible for their things. The usage of cell phone is also strictly prohibited in the college permises.
  • Once admission is completed in one course, transfer to any other course will not be entertained under any circumstances.